Canik Protection Unit is a leader in Tactical and Firearms Training courses for Military, Law Enforcement and Security Professionals. CPU is supported by the well-established infrastructure and network build up over many years by Canik Protection Unit who is also a subsidiary of CPU Africa.
CPU was started to be a provider of High level Tactical and Firearms training Courses. All CPU instructors are highly motivated and professional, drawn from various military, special operations, law enforcement and commercial agencies locally and Internationally
These personnel have a wealth of exceptional worldwide experience and are renowned for dealing with high-risk situations and complex operations. Since the moment of foundation, we are offering both civilian and tactical tactical courses, providing special training for law enforcement and military units from different countries. CPU provides the facilities and organize tactical courses in Kenya and East Africa. We have a mobile training team and we are able to organize courses all over the region.
Executive Close Protection
High Risk Training
Individual Training
Tactical Medicine Training
Tactical Shooting
Military Training
Security Risk Analysis & Risk Management
HECPO (Hostile Environment Close Protection Operative)
Self Defense